Nobody wants to spend their hard-earned vacation stressing about every single purchase. But coming home over budget can cause you financial headaches long after the tan lines have faded. Traveling with large sums of cash isn’t always safe or practical, making the envelope strategy difficult to employ. Using a debit or credit card is the…
Read MoreEstate planning isn’t just for the mansion owning, yacht club type. Everyone can benefit from having a plan for their estate when they are gone. Our advisors at Anchor Wealth will partner with your attorney to prevent your beneficiaries from dealing with unnecessary taxes and disputes among beneficiaries. We will ensure there is a plan…
Read MoreNo one wants to think about their death, especially young people, but putting off purchasing life insurance can be a costly mistake. Death is inevitable, and largely out of your control, but what you can take control of is how you provide for your loved ones when you are gone. Having life insurance guarantees your…
Read MoreOne of our core values at Anchor Wealth is optimism. We talk about it like this: We strive to instill hope and expectancy into your financial hopes and dreams because outlook affects results. When a new client meets with one of our advisors, they are often struck by how little we talk about the minute…
Read MoreJanuary is traditionally known as the time for new beginnings. We rarely talk about February for what it is—the beginning of the end of new beginnings. As the new year unfolds, it becomes easy to slip back into old habits. This is especially true for financial resolutions. If you have big plans for your finances…
Read MoreAs a financial advisor, I’ve always thought that there is a lot that I could learn from fire marshals. On the surface, we have very different jobs but at the core, we are both interested in helping those we serve prepare for a moment that hopefully will never happen. But while the intent is the…
Read MoreWhen we talk about retirement, it exists in one of two contexts; either we are planning for retirement or we are enjoying retirement. The context we don’t talk about—and the reason a financial planner can be helpful—is the actual act of retirement. There is a window, ideally at least six months prior to your retirement…
Read MoreDo you remember the first piece of advice you received regarding money? Chances are you don’t remember the words explicitly but it probably impacted you in some way and likely continues to influence you today. When we are young, we internalize the words of the older mentors in our lives. I love this idea of…
Read More0% interest on financing means free money! Or does it? I saw a motivational coffee mug the other day that read “Don’t settle for good enough.” As the mug sat there on the shelf like a ceramic John Maxwell, it struck me how important this message really is to investors. When we work with clients…
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