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The Effects Of Upcoming Tax Legislation On Your Retirement

Now that we’ve grabbed your attention and raised your blood pressure with the headline, let us assure you that we have only good news. While there is no formalized plan, and the specifics are somewhat murky, one thing is clear about the collection of pending tax legislation: These potential changes will more than likely have…

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Tips For Post-Pandemic Spending

When the going gets tough, the tough get cooking from scratch…and paying off debt…and using hand sanitizer. We might have taken some creative liberties with that idiom, but a lot of other things have changed in the past year, so why not? The pandemic didn’t just force us into our homes, it also changed many…

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I’m Retired, Now What?

People approach retirement age with excitement or fear, and sometimes a mix of both. The promise of free time, rest, travel, and lower stress levels is often coupled with anxiety over feeling lost without their job, getting bored, or living off Spam and ramen noodles while inflation skyrockets and nobody visits.  And why wouldn’t they…

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Financial Advice for Recent College Graduates

We’ve heard the jokes about searching for work after college in this day and age. The job postings read something along the lines of:  Entry-level position  Minimum 7 years of experience  Master’s degree or higher  No paid time off or health insurance  $10/hr.  “Experience?” you say. “I need experience to get experience. But that’s where…

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What is a Bear Market and Should I Be Worried When It Happens?

When you turn on the news, you’ll hear a lot of investment talk. Frequently they use terms and jargon that they assume the person watching understands. Unless you are watching a beginner show, you are expected to know what the Dow Jones Industrial Average is, what’s buying on margin, and what’s the moving average. Most…

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How to Talk to Your Parents About Estate Planning

It can seem weird when, as a child, you are advising your parents. However, as your parents age, they come to depend upon you more to help them with things such as shoveling the driveway, picking up their prescription medications, and more. One topic that you might have to broach with your parents is estate…

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Best Tax Savings Investments You Can Make

With tax season right around the corner, some of you may be a bit nervous. While 2020 has definitely been a different kind of year with some great tax breaks and incentives, paying taxes is still something most of us do not particularly enjoy. However, when you plan for your taxes by making the best…

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What is Wealth Management?

What is wealth management? We get this question a lot. After all, our company’s name is Anchor Wealth Management, so it invites the question. Anchor Wealth Management is a financial services company with two offices, one in Rockford and one in Lanark, to better serve you. We are passionate about helping people save and plan…

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How to Plan for Retirement as a Small Business Owner, Part 2

While retirement may seem like a long way off, it can creep up slowly. It’s best to plan early for retirement, especially as a small business owner. Working with a financial advisor can help you get the ball rolling, giving you more time to focus on your business, family, and the things you enjoy. A…

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How to Plan for Retirement as a Small Business Owner, Part 1

Small business owners are busy people. They are so busy, in fact, running the day-to-day operations of their business and taking care of their employees and customers that they don’t realize the passage of time. Nor do they make the time to plan for their personal retirement outside of the business. Anchor Wealth Management is…

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