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How to Crush a No Spend Month

For many people, January ’tis the season for paying off holiday bills. In a world that constantly bombards us with advertisements and temptations to spend, the idea of a “No Spend Month” may seem challenging or even daunting. However, this financial challenge is not about depriving yourself of necessities; it’s about making conscious choices to…

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December 2023 Blog Newsletter

December Captain’s Log A Peak Ahead To 2024 What does history tell us about the performance of the S&P 500 during U.S. Presidential Election Years? One common narrative floating around by media and perception of investors is that an election year is perceived to provide negative returns. I can think of a list of things…

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5 Simple Habits of the Average Millionaire

Who doesn’t dream of being a millionaire? The allure of financial freedom and the ability to live life on your own terms is something we all aspire to achieve. At Anchor Wealth Management, we’ve had the privilege of supporting both seasoned millionaires and those just embarking on their investment journey. Ever wondered about the secrets…

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Anchor Wealth Management November 2023 Blog Newsletter

November Captain’s Log Heartfelt Thanksgiving Gratitude From The Team At Anchor Wealth Management As Thanksgiving approaches, I find myself reflecting on the gratitude we feel for the incredible clients who make our work at Anchor Wealth Management so fulfilling. Your trust and partnership mean the world to us, and we wanted to take a moment…

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Navigating Open Enrollment and Your Financial Health

Open Enrollment is an annual period that carries substantial weight in the realm of personal finance and healthcare. During this time, individuals can make critical decisions that impact their financial health for the entire year. Discover tips below on what factors to consider, how to make the most of the open enrollment opportunity and how…

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Spooked about Planning for Retirement in 2024? Here are 5 Steps to Take Today

Retirement can be an exciting yet daunting prospect. It’s a time to reap the rewards of your hard work and enjoy life to the fullest. However, the thought of retirement can also be intimidating, especially if you feel unprepared. If you’re planning to retire in 2024, there’s no need to be spooked. By taking proactive…

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The September Syndrome: Myth or Reality?

Traditionally, September’s fall weather brings with it a fall in the stock market. The reasoning behind this notion is often attributed to various factors, including investors returning from summer vacations and reevaluating their portfolios, as well as corporations releasing earnings reports that might not meet expectations. In addition, some infamous historical market crashes, such as…

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Things To Consider When You Consider A Second Home

One of the most rewarding parts of my work as a financial advisor is watching people go from uncertainty about their future to confidence in their future. In the transformation, they go from reluctant goal chooser to relentless goal chaser. The confidence that comes from having a plan in place often leads to new, bigger…

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What You May Be Missing by Getting a Large Refund

You can always tell when it’s tax season. For me, it’s the notable change in advertising messages that go out. Retailers begin asking consumers to consider making a large purchase using the large sum of money they just came into. Receiving a large refund is celebrated as if it’s a holiday event and retailers are…

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Grandparents Raising Grandkids: Things to Consider

Parenthood is hard! But that truth makes grandparenting a joy for so many. I’ve heard many grandparents in my office talk about the joys of being a grandparent, while citing the reality that you get to have all of the fun without the same amount of responsibility! But for more than 3 million grandparents in…

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