October 2023 Blog Newsletter
October Captain’s Log NOW Is The Time To Share Anchor Wealth Management With Friends And Family! Read the headlines. United Auto Workers strike, nurses strike in Joliet, IL at Ascension St. Joseph Hospital, student loan payments restarted on October 1st, 30-year mortgage rates are almost 8%, and finally the political theater that is Congress. I…
Read MoreSeptember 2023 Blog Newsletter
September Captain’s Log Reflect On Your 2023 Financial Goals As we approach the last quarter of 2023 let’s not be complacent in managing our personal finances! Let’s continue to be good stewards of the money we have each been trusted to manage. My wife and I have had conversations recently while revisiting our budget and…
Read MoreAugust 2023 Blog Newsletter
August 2023 Blog Newsletter August Captain’s Log College Planning for Illinois Residents Everyone is in the mindset of going back to school! The process of getting school supplies, working out childcare, pick up and drop offs, to lunches! It is a busy time of the year. There are a lot of moving parts. Parents may…
Read More3rd Quarter 2023 Newsletter
July’s Captain’s Log A growing trend in our industry is that more and more people are having their wealth professionally managed! A Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) is a firm that is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and specializes in giving financial advice and managing investments. At the end of 2020, RIA’s managed a…
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SECURE 2.0 Brings A Little Confusion And A Lot of Opportunity In the twilight of 2022, while you were doing some last-second Christmas shopping and loosely starting to form your New Year’s resolutions, Congress passed the largest piece of retirement legislation since 2006. The Secure Act 2.0 brought about 92 separate provisions that each affect…
Read More1st Quarter 2023 Newsletter
Optimism And Pessimism Require The Same Amount Of Energy. Choose Wisely It’s the time of year when I traditionally write an article about goal setting and how to make this year your best year ever financially. The news headlines tell me that I should be writing an article about recession and how to protect your…
Read More4th Quarter 2022 Newsletter
Financial Planning In Times Of Uncertainty In 2020, the word unprecedented was thrown around like confetti. It found its way into everything. Two years later, a different kind of ‘un’ rules our world—uncertainty. Big questions loom in the minds of a lot of investors and the answers have implications on their financial plans and their…
Read More3rd Quarter 2022 Newsletter
In The Journey, In The Destination, We Are Anchored The previous two years have provided plenty of newsletter topics as our office has helped countless clients navigate financial questions brought about by uncertainty. Two years brought about some big changes in all our lives. But as people begin to emerge from the haze that uncertainty…
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I’m Self Employed and I Don’t Know What To Do For Retirement Plans Being self-employed comes with so many great freedoms and rewards. There is nothing like the rush of entrepreneurism and watching the results of your hard work as you are building your own dream. We love to work with entrepreneurs for financial planning…
Read More1st Quarter 2022 Newsletter
Starting today, most of the people you know have made a commitment to themselves to start getting healthy. Outside of eating healthy Monday through Thursday only to blow it on Friday through Sunday consistently every week, I am mostly unqualified to give advice about getting in shape. But, I do know that stress can be…
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