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Grandparents Raising Grandkids: Things to Consider

Parenthood is hard! But that truth makes grandparenting a joy for so many. I’ve heard many grandparents in my office talk about the joys of being a grandparent, while citing the reality that you get to have all of the fun without the same amount of responsibility! But for more than 3 million grandparents in…

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5 Summer Savings Tips to Not Burn Your Budget While Traveling this Summer

Summer is a season filled with wanderlust and adventure, but it’s also a time when expenses can quickly add up, leaving your budget far behind. However, with a little planning and some clever strategies, you can enjoy a fantastic summer getaway without breaking the bank. Our experts at Anchor Wealth Management recommend the following tips…

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2nd Quarter 2023 Newsletter

SECURE 2.0 Brings A Little Confusion And A Lot of Opportunity In the twilight of 2022, while you were doing some last-second Christmas shopping and loosely starting to form your New Year’s resolutions, Congress passed the largest piece of retirement legislation since 2006. The Secure Act 2.0 brought about 92 separate provisions that each affect…

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The importance of Updating Your Financial Plan Each Year

New Year’s resolutions look different for everyone, but they all have the same goal: to make sure this year’s version of you is improved in some way over last year’s. That change can come in the form of weight loss, a new job, or financial goals. Like a New Year’s resolution, your comprehensive financial plan…

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I’m Unexpectedly Retired, Now What?

I’ve committed my career to helping people plan for retirement. During the planning phase, I help individuals imagine their ideal retirement scenario and then create a comprehensive financial plan that makes that imagined scenario a retirement. But the thing about life is that it rarely—if ever—goes as planned. Over the past two years, I have…

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1st Quarter 2023 Newsletter

Optimism And Pessimism Require The Same Amount Of Energy. Choose Wisely It’s the time of year when I traditionally write an article about goal setting and how to make this year your best year ever financially. The news headlines tell me that I should be writing an article about recession and how to protect your…

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Wealth Transfer: Shifting Assets Through Beneficiaries, Trusts, Succession Planning And The Tax Implications.

Parents are masterful at assessing the potential consequences associated with giving a gift. Gifting your child a baseball bat increases the likelihood of a broken window, gifting a child a drum set decreases the possibility of a quiet night at home, and gifting a puppy means, well, now you have a puppy to care for…

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Anchor Wealth’s Company Values Explained

I started Anchor Wealth Management as a way to fulfill my personal mission. I have two drivers that have motivated my career. I want to help people succeed and I want to build a life with my family in which work doesn’t consume me. I believe these two things are intrinsically linked. Finances are among…

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4th Quarter 2022 Newsletter

Financial Planning In Times Of Uncertainty In 2020, the word unprecedented was thrown around like confetti. It found its way into everything. Two years later, a different kind of ‘un’ rules our world—uncertainty. Big questions loom in the minds of a lot of investors and the answers have implications on their financial plans and their…

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What Happens to My Financial Plan After a Divorce?

If you and your spouse have come to the conclusion that divorce is your only path forward there are some practical steps that you can take to make sure that the assets that are now held together are legally retained by the right individuals.   Build a Team of Professionals  Divorce is an emotional topic, there…

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