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You Need An Emergency Fund. Here’s Why.

As a financial advisor, I’ve always thought that there is a lot that I could learn from fire marshals. On the surface, we have very different jobs but at the core, we are both interested in helping those we serve prepare for a moment that hopefully will never happen. But while the intent is the…

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What To Do With Your 401(k) Once You Retire

When we talk about retirement, it exists in one of two contexts; either we are planning for retirement or we are enjoying retirement. The context we don’t talk about—and the reason a financial planner can be helpful—is the actual act of retirement. There is a window, ideally at least six months prior to your retirement…

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Retirement Planning by Age: A Decade by Decade Guide

Do you remember the first piece of advice you received regarding money? Chances are you don’t remember the words explicitly but it probably impacted you in some way and likely continues to influence you today. When we are young, we internalize the words of the older mentors in our lives. I love this idea of…

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