This is a case of the “when” being the “why,” so let’s knock out two birds with one overachieving boulder.
- On a runway. When you’re ramping up for one of the biggest life changes—retirement—you’ll definitely benefit from having a financial advisor or suffer from the lack of one. Whereas you’ll retire once, we’ve helped more people than we can count retire. If you’re scared to cut your own hair, you should probably apply the same logic to managing the important transition to retirement. Your hair can grow back; your financial decisions don’t come with a do-over button.
- At a junction. If you just graduated from college or a trade school and ventured into the professional world, begin with the end in mind. Your future self will thank you many times over for the springboards you set up for yourself along the way. If you are planning to get married, welcome a baby, or catapult your grown kids onto their own college journey, those are also great times to discuss and implement a plan for financial growth and stability. And if the unforeseeable or unfortunate happens, you’ll need the soundness of a financial advisor to keep you anchored and on course more than ever.
The joy of seeing your assets grow, the peace of mind in knowing you’re ensuring a stable future, and the fun of reaping the benefits of your smart decisions will far outweigh any of the small discomforts or sacrifices you make to get there. Have you ever met someone who said they regretted getting a financial advisor?
- On the highway. By highway we mean life. By life we mean all the time. Always. There are opportune junctures and critical transitions, but financial advisors are an asset worth getting early and keeping late. They’re the big brother who has been there, done that. The dad with corny jokes, but sage advice. The mom who fusses over whether you have enough snacks for your road trip. The teacher who encouraged you at the right moment. The professor who opened your mind with a new perspective. The friend who gives it to you straight. They’re all these things, in bits and pieces, rolled into one.
To sum up: You need a financial advisor all the time because life is always changing and there’s never a time when your future doesn’t matter. And because financial security and abundance don’t just happen; they require well-informed, consistent action.
We’ve got a whole team of people who are on your side, on the runway, at the junction, and all along the highway.
Don’t go it alone. Get a financial advisor in your corner today.
Adam Ludwig, Owner/Wealth Advisor